Being of sound mind and body, and by my own free will, hereby acknowledge and agree to the following: Open water swimming has by its nature inherent risks and hazards associated with swimming in outdoor open water venues and these risks may in turn lead to loss or damage to property, injury to person and in extreme cases loss of limb or life. Long-distance swimming requires that the swimmer be suitably skilled and have a high level of physical and mental fitness to complete the swim without harm to the person or others. I confirm that I have no known underlying conditions that may threaten my physical or mental wellbeing and that I am suitably fit and experienced to undertake the swim activity. Swim Adventures, it employees, and agents will take reasonable open water safety measures and precautions, including compulsory pre-activity safety briefings and keeping suitably experienced safety persons and craft in close proximity to swimmers during the swim activity to ensure an optimal safety environment for the swim. I, in turn will attend the compulsory pre-swim safety briefings, follow instructions given to me by designated safety persons, stay within the bounds of the swim route, take reasonable action to avoid harm to myself and others during the activity, and alert safety persons timeously if I am in any distress or discomfort. I confirm and agree that if instructed to stop swimming by a Swim Adventures person I will immediately do so. I hereby release and agree to indemnify Swim Adventures, its directors, employees and agents free and harmless from any and all costs losses, expenses, damages, claims, suits, causes of action or any other liability whatsoever that may arise from my participation in the swim activity, including damage and/or loss of property, limb and life. By signing this agreement, I confirm that I have read and understood the risk associated with the Swim Adventures planned swim activity and that I, including my estate, heirs, or beneficiaries, agree of own accord to be bound by the terms and conditions this indemnity and waiver places upon me.