Aweh-Let’s Swim Kromme

Your Adventure Begins Here.


Dates: 27 September 2025

Cost (individuals): R950

Cost (team of two): R1650


Duration: 1 Day:

Distance: 14 km for individuals, 2 x 7-km for 2-person relay team

Number of Swimmers: maximum 80 individuals & 25 relay teams
Mobility: Not wheelchair accesible but we welcome disabled swimmers and will make provisions for your needs
Accommodation: Options available at an additional charge – contact us for options

What you need to bring:

A wetsuit or swim suit

Swim goggles
Swim buoy (not required but recommended for visibility)
Dry bag; swim towel and a change of clothes for post swim

Swimming the Kromme River is always legend.

The wind she blows, the rain she falls, often. And get the tidal push wrong… who’s that guy who kept rolling a boulder uphill? In short, most days it ain’t a walk in the park. Every person swimming the Kromme is aware of their mortality and writes out their philosophy of life several times over, but yet… there it is, the Kilimanjaro of South African rivers. And for fun we’re upping the game. Can you swim it in one go? Top to bottom, fourteen kilometers. As they say in the classics, “are you man or mouse”?

And on the 27 September 2025, you get to decide whether it’s your philosophy of life or whether you have greater courage than a mouse that’s under the microscope. One go. Fourteen kilometers. Did we mention that already? And this legend swim happens during the Calamari Festival, and so there’s plenty of delicious food, drinks and company for the necessary trauma support and recovery. But there’s also other sport activities happening, like paddling and running and the like.

No disrespect to those other hardworking athletes, but we suspect it will be clear as day, who’s the wannabe’s and who’s the legends?

We start the swim at the picturesque River Kaya and the opening scene as you leap off the jetty sets up the legendary tale to come. We finish the tale at the entrance to the St Francis canals, some 14-km later. You swim your story. Fourteen kilometers, in one go, the stuff of legends. You can do it.

Interested in booking your place for the upcoming Aweh-Let’s Swim Kromme?

Book Your Spot for Aweh-Let's Swim Kromme 2025 Individual: R950

Make EFT Payment to:

Awehness Travel
Acc Number: 62781851425
Branch 211417

Aweh-Let's Swim Kromme


8 + 15 =

Book Your Spot for Aweh-Let's Swim Kromme 2025 Team of Two: R1650

Make EFT Payment to:

Awehness Travel
Acc Number: 62781851425
Branch 211417

Aweh-Let's Swim Kromme


5 + 5 =

Day One:

Friday 27 September 2025

06h00 – 07h00 Late Registration
07h00 Race Briefing
07h30 Race Start
09h30 Halfway Cut Off Time & Teams Midway
11h30 Race Cut Off Time
12h00 -14h00 Lunch – Prize Giving During Lunch


Friday 27 September 2025

High: 5:50
Low: 11:49
High: 18:02
Low: 0:11

2min per 100m Pace
20 min per km, 14 km, 280 total min @ 20 min p/km, 60 min per hour

4 hours rounded off with tidal punch